Marco's How to make a cheek-rest for the 22XX skeleton stock.

My good friend Marco from the Netherlands agreed to write this clever How To for the web site. Very clever if you ask me.

Parts needed:

40 mm PVC tube. 
m6 tread.
Bushes with m6 tread inside (mine are 30 mm long)
Mouse mat with the soft gray stuff on the rear.
2 hex bolts m6.
2 nuts m6 or something more fancy.
2 washers m6.

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Cut the PVC tube at 140 mm with an iron saw.
Cut it in length 2 times and get out a piece of 25 mm or more or what ever suits your needs.


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Drill 2 holes in the center with 70 mm between them with a 6 mm drill bit.
Cut the edges with a angle grinder according to how you would like it.
Smooth the rough edges with sanding paper and some Scotch Brite.
Also sand the inside and outside with Scotch Brite to prepare the surface for the  paint and glue.

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Mask the outside with masking tape. 
Now you can spray paint the inside of the tube .
Use a good contact glue to adhere the back of the mouse pad onto the PVC.
When it's dry, cut it out and sand the rough edges with sanding paper.
Now you have ruined your paint again so mask it again and touch it up.
Drill the 6mm holes thru the mouse mat and your cheek-piece is done.

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The hex bolts nuts and bushes can be painted to to hold the black sniper look.
Get to the stock of your rifle by loosen the 2 screws on your grip.
Drill two hole s in the center of your stock 70 mm between them.
You can easily find the center because you can see the lines of the mold very well.
Drill them first at 3 mm keeping it right in the center; then drill them 6 mm.

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To let the bushings sink in the stock drill them with a 10 mm drill (in my case the bushings are 10 mm ).

5 mm deep is enough (be very careful with this because the drill will go right through the 6 mm hole when you pull it trough).
If that's done, you can mount it. 

You're home made low budget cheek-piece is finished.

Hope you like it.

Greetings Marco de Lijster.

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