My Gun Cabinet Project.

"Uniqueness is my weakness"

By Klayton Kidd

Shhhhhhhhh....he's praying for a new Crosman!

"This is a simple way to get great storage for your rifles and pistols.  I got
this cabinet when my friends CPA firm was moving, only cost me $25 and I think
you could easily find one used at used office furniture store.  It is a lot
cheaper than a safe, and although not secure, is a good alternative to having
guns line benches and walls."

(Click on any image to enlarge)

Took some work but here's how it turned out.

Started as this:

cab9.jpg (78755 bytes)

had to move handles (because they hook to the shelf which was removed)

cab2.jpg (33559 bytes)

Then made a new shelf...

cab5.jpg (96637 bytes) hold my rifles.

cab4.jpg (67055 bytes)  cab1.jpg (68424 bytes)

And now it looks like this:

cab3.jpg (68487 bytes)

PS- all the crap you see is now clean!!! so happy, now to get a lathe brought over!


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